Floated Share Buttons: How to adjust the vertical positioning

Once you have enabled Floated Share Buttons on your site, the buttons will appear at a 15% height from the top of the page. For most websites, this looks great and requires absolutely no need for adjustments. But in some cases, the buttons may overlap an image or a banner.

The Vertical Offset setting allows you to adjust the height from the top of the page by percentage (%) or pixel.

  • Percentage is based on the relative height from the top of the website's page. Depending on how tall your browser is, if you set this to 50%, the buttons will appear at the halfway point of the page.
  • Pixel is the exact height, which means the buttons will remain static to the page regardless of how tall your browser or content is.

How to adjust the Vertical Offset

  1. Login to your Shareaholic account.
  2. Select a Site Profile from the My Sites dropdown menu at the top of the page.
  3. On the Apps page, under the 'Social Sharing' section, click on the Configure button next to the Floated Share Buttons box.


  4. In the layout tab -> Vertical Offset setting, you'll notice that the default setting is set to 15%. Based on your requirements, you can adjust this.
  5. Click Save Changes.
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