Developers - API keys & Secret tokens

Shareaholic authenticates API requests using API keys. If you don't include your key when making an API request or use an incorrect or outdated one, you will get an error.

There are two types of API keys: Publishable API keys and Secret API tokens.

Type Description Example API
Publishable API Key These API keys are meant solely to identify your account with Shareaholic, they don't have to be kept secret.

Your Site Profile ID is the Publishable API Key.
Secret API Token You must keep your secret API tokens confidential and only store them on your own servers. You must not share your secret API token with any third parties.

Secret API tokens

All our Analytics Data APIs require Secret API token authentication credentials to be supplied. If you don't include your secret token when making an API request or use an incorrect or outdated one, you will get an error.

Obtaining your Secret API Token

To get your Secret API token, you need a Shareaholic account and Site ID. Signup for an account and add your site to get a Site ID.

Once you have your Site ID:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations
  2. Scroll down to the API Tokens section
  3. Click Create new token

Keeping your Secret API tokens safe

You should treat your Secret API token as you would any other password. Publicly exposing your credentials can result in your account being compromised. Grant access only to those who need it. Ensure it is kept out of any version control system you may be using. Control access to your key using a password manager or secrets management service.

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