If your site is hosted on WordPress or Drupal 7.x, we have plugins for you! Please go ahead and install the plugin first and proceed from there:
For all other platforms, the setup process is still very easy to get Shareaholic installed on your website in just a few minutes by following a few short steps:
- Sign up for a Shareaholic account here.
- Click Add Website from the sites dashboard.
- Enter your homepage URL
- Shareaholic should detect your CMS automatically. If it doesn't, go ahead and select it from the list. Then click continue.
This next page will give your setup code, which needs to be installed on your site for Shareaholic to work. It will also include a link to the installation instructions for how to install this set up code on your CMS. Go ahead and follow those instructions.
The setup code looks something like this, though your Site ID will be unique to your site.
TIP Make sure you use a simple text editor (such as Notepad or TextEdit) that will not modify the HTML code when the file is edited and saved.
Once you've added the setup code, go ahead and verify that you own the domain. Click on the blue "Verify" button. Note that this step is optional but highly recommended and can only be completed when your website is publicly accessible.
If everything is set up correctly, you should see a green banner at the top of the page informing you that your site has been successfully verified!
TIP: If you're having trouble verifying, check out our verification troubleshooting tips. If you're having trouble finding the Verify button, it can be located through Sitewide Settings > Installation, or by going directly to shareaholic.com/sites/(YOUR SITE ID HERE)/settings/installation.
Configure the Apps you'd like enabled on your site:
You can get here by either going through 'Start App Setup', or selecting your site from the 'My Sites' dropdown or Sites Dashboard
Congratulations! Shareaholic should now load successfully on your website.
Special note about Shareaholic In-Page Apps:
Shareaholic In-page Apps, like In-Page Share Buttons and In-Page Related Content, are special apps that let you place them exactly where you want in your website layout or template at the location where the app should be displayed using code.
Instructions on how to add and configure these Apps are available here and if you're looking for instructions specific to your CMS, CMS specific instructions are available here.
TIP To give you a taste of our website monetization tools, Shareaholic enables a few of our advertising apps by default. They can be disabled at any time from the Site Tools Dashboard. To learn more about these apps, check out our documentation.