Installing Shareaholic on HubSpot

The following tutorial will help you install Shareaholic on HubSpot:

If you have not already signed up for Shareaholic, check out the Getting Started with Shareaholic Guide before following the instructions below.

  1. Log into your HubSpot account.

  2. Under the Content tab, click on Content Settings:

  3. Then paste your site's Shareaholic setup HTML code into the box titled Site Header HTML:

    As reference, your site's Shareaholic setup code can be found under the Installation tab of your Site Settings on hubspot_setup_code.png

  4. Congratulations! Shareaholic should now load successfully on your website.

To install an In-page Shareaholic App:

Shareaholic In-page Apps are special apps that let you place them exactly where you want in your website layout or template at the location where the app should be displayed.

If you have not created an In-page Shareaholic App, check out the Installing an In-page Shareaholic App Guide before following the instructions below.

  1. Log into your HubSpot account.

  2. Under Content  → Content Settings click Global Content located under the Content Optimization System Tools section:

  3. Click New to add a new Module.

  4. Choose Custom Module. The name of your custom module is entirely up to you, though you may find it helpful to name it the same as your in-page app location (eg 'Share Buttons Below Content') and click Create.


  5. Paste the Shareaholic App HTML snippet in the Edit section and click Publish. Don't worry if you aren't able to see your App loading in the Preview section.


    As reference, an In-page App snippet looks like:


  6. The In-Page App is now available to be included in any of your HubSpot COS templates!


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