The Total Share Counts feature will sum the social shares for the post or page across all of your services, and display them to the left of your share buttons. You can also customize the color scheme and the label that will appear below the number. Read below on how to enable this feature or change its settings.
Using the Shareaholic WordPress plugin? See the WordPress documentation for this article.
1.) Login to your account.
2.) Select your site from the My Sites navigation menu
3.) From the Apps page, scroll down to the Share Buttons box in the 'Social Settings' section and find the entry for the Share Buttons you wish to edit. Then, click on the settings button to access its settings.
4.) In the Share Button Settings window, click the toggle for "Total Share Counts" to green.
5.) Total Share Counts settings will appear below with options to:
- Customize color of the background and text by entering the hex value or selecting from the color picker
- Customize the label by entering the text into the field. If the label characters are too long, this will change the width of the share buttons to accommodate the text, especially when viewing the share buttons on the mobile version of your site.
- Note: If the label's characters are too long, this will change the width of the share buttons to accommodate the text. This can especially when viewing on the mobile version of your site, such as in this example:
- Pro tip: You can also enable mobile Floated Share Buttons to ensure your visitors will never miss a beat on sharing your content.
6.) Once you're done editing your Settings, make sure to click SAVE CHANGES.
Additional Documentation:
- If the Total Share Counts feature is enabled but no shares have been made yet, the feature will not display. As soon as a an item has been shared and the count increases to 1, the information will display.
- The Total Share Counts feature will sum up all of the shares across all services, even if that service is not displayed. For example, an article was shared on Facebook 5 times, but you've chosen to hide Facebook from the list of displayed share buttons. In this example, the Total Share Counts will still include the 5 Facebook shares in its total number.
- If you don't want to have the Total Share Counts aligned directly next to your share buttons, you can use a standalone counter to display just the counts without any share buttons. Using a standalone counter, you can also specify which services to be included in the total (such as not wanting to include the 5 Facebook shares in the example above).