How do I add content to a campaign?

For each campaign, we recommend adding at least 5-6 URLs to see what engages your audience best. When you enter a URL or RSS feed to a campaign, by default, we automatically evaluate and pull a thumbnail, title, description and site name for the landing page. You can also choose to edit any of the fields before submitting the campaign for approval.


In case you were curious, the following section details what the Ad Manager looks for on a page to determine the default thumbnail, title, description and site name:


The following signals are evaluated to determine the default thumbnail for a given URL. Note: Shareaholic will give preference to signals in the order as listed below.

  1. Shareaholic Image Tag
    <meta name="shareaholic:image" content="" />

  2. Open Graph Image Tag
    <meta name="og:image" content="" />

  3. Twitter Card Image Tag
    <meta name="twitter:image" content="" />

  4. oEmbed Image
    Shareaholic offers full support for oEmbed. This is particularly useful for when you promote content hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, SlideShare, etc.

TIP Avoid image clutter. Use eye catching, beautiful, bright images. Images of people tend to work really well. Avoid clipart, brand logos, and default images.


The following signals are evaluated to determine the default title for a given URL. Note: Shareaholic will give preference to signals in the order as listed below.

  1. Open Graph Title Tag
    <meta name="og:title" content="Understanding the basics of BeoLink Multiroom" />

  2. Twitter Card Title Tag
    <meta name="twitter:title" content="Understanding the basics of BeoLink Multiroom" />

  3. HTML Title Tag
    <title>Understanding the basics of BeoLink Multiroom</title>

TIP Adding 3-5 alternate headline titles per URL is one of our best practices and will give your content maximum appeal to your audience.


The following signals are evaluated to determine the default description value for a given URL. Note: Shareaholic will give preference to signals in the order as listed below.

  1. Open Graph Description Tag
    <meta name="og:title" content="Get a live demonstration of the products." />

  2. Twitter Card Description Tag
    <meta name="twitter:title" content="Get a live demonstration of the products." />

  3. HTML Description Meta Tag
    <meta name="description" content="Get a live demonstration of the products." />

Site Name

The following signals are evaluated to determine the default Site Name for a given URL. Note: Shareaholic will give preference to signals in the order as listed below.

  1. Shareaholic Site Name Tag
    <meta name="shareaholic:site_name" content="Bang & Olufsen" />

  2.  Open Graph Site Name Tag
    <meta name="og:site_name" content="Bang & Olufsen" />
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