Adding & Customizing Follow Buttons in the Post-Share Window

When your readers love your content enough to share it, chances are they also want to follow you and see more in the future. That's why we created "Post-share follow buttons", so you can encourage readers to follow you after sharing your content. 

How Do Post-Share Follow Buttons Work?

Once someone has successfully shared a page or post from your site using one of the share buttons like Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, they will see a "Thanks for sharing!" window appear, letting them know the post was successfully shared. With these new follow buttons, you now have the option to encourage readers to follow you on popular social networks as well. 

What will the Follow Buttons look like?

See for yourself! You can choose which social networks you want to display, and the great news is, activation is easy!

How to enable Follow-Me buttons in the post-share window

If you already use Shareaholic tools, simply enable the post-share window, then add the social networks where you want people to follow you. Here's how:

Step One - Enable Post-Share Window

Note: The post-share window is automatically enabled when you add share buttons to your site. Most users can skip directly to Step Two below to set-up their social network profiles.

  1. Sign into your account.
  2. Select your site from the My Sites dropdown at the top of the page.
  3. Under the Prompts section, you'll see a Post Share Prompt option. Use the toggle button to turn this feature on.


Step Two: Add Follow Buttons to your Post-Share window

1. Click the Configure button next to the Post-Share Prompt section to bring up the customization window.

2. To enable the Follow Buttons, click on the toggle next to the Follow Buttons section.


3. To customize your Follow Buttons, click on the gear icon next to the toggle. This will bring up the following screen:


Change the Headline to change the text that appears above the Follow Buttons. Use the settings in the Design section to customize the look of your Follow Buttons, and add your social media accounts in the Accounts section.


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