Getting Started with the Shareaholic WordPress Plugin (old interface)

Once you install our WordPress plugin, you can customize our features to your liking in the plugin App Manger. It's simple, and takes only a few minutes. You can also change these settings at any time, so feel free to play around and test several combinations!

Here's an overview of the plugin feautures and remember that we have even more features available when you sign-up for a free account!

Shareaholic App Manager Interface

To start adding features, go to the App Manager interface accessed through the left menu of your WordPress admin. You'll see a section for In-Page Share Buttons and Related Content, as well as Website Monetization Settings. This is where you'll customize the look and feel of your apps to best fit your website's theme.


Share Buttons Settings

When you install Shareaholic, Share Buttons are automatically enabled, so you don't have to take any additional steps to install them. You have the option to insert them Above Content and/or Below Content, and we default to Below Content. You can enable or disable the app from an area by simply checking or unchecking the box.


Choosing where to display Share Buttons on your site

Each section includes an area: Post, Page, Index, and Category. These areas correspond to a standard template in your WordPress theme. 

  • Post relates to the permalink single-post view.
  • Page templates is for an individual page (e.g. About Me). 
  • Index and Category templates display your recent post feeds. Index does not auto-insert Share Buttons on a static homepage.

To enable/disable the Floated Share Buttons (which appear on the left side of your pages by default), please check out this article here.

Customizing Share Buttons

To customize app's look and feel, click the green Customize button. To edit Share Button settings, click the Edit Settings button. 

Related Content Settings

When you install Shareaholic, Related/Promoted Content is automatically enabled, so you don't have to take any additional steps to install it. You have the option to insert the app Above Content and/or Below Content, and we default to Below Content. You can enable or disable the app from an area by simply checking or unchecking the box.


Choosing where to display Related/Promoted Content on your site

Each section includes an area: Post, Page, Index, and Category. These areas correspond to a standard template in your WordPress theme. 

  • Post relates to the permalink single-post view.
  • Page templates is for an individual page (e.g. About Me). 
  • Index and Category templates display your recent post feeds. Index does not auto-insert Related/Promoted Content on a static homepage.

Customizing Related/Promoted Content

To customize app's look and feel, click the green Customize button. To edit Promoted Content setting, click the Edit Settings button. 


Removing Apps from Specific Posts and Pages

You can also remove Share Buttons and/or Related/Promoted Content from a specific post or page - here's how to do it:

  • Go into your Wordpress dashboard, and click the Post tab.
  • Select the blog post you would like to edit.
  • On the bottom right of the Edit Post page under "Shareaholic," uncheck the applicable boxes.
  • Click UPDATE to apply changes.  

Adding More Features

Now that your plugin is set, you can add more tools to help you gain insight on your content, create a following, and add more ways to spread the word on your content.


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