What is Premium Support?
While we are dedicated to providing high quality support to all of our users, all our Premium plan subscriptions include access to Premium Support, which means your support requests will automatically move up the front of the queue. We recognize that our paying subscribers are more likely to have urgent requirements or critically important website's, so we do our best to get to solving those issues as fast as possible, so you can get back to growing your website.
Standard Support is provided exclusively ticket-based via email. Premium Support can include live chat during regular business hours. Our Enterprise plans include a dedicated point of contact and phone support.
What is the expected turn-around time for Premium Support?
Our Premium plan subscribers can typically expect a response within 24 hours to issues submitted through Premium Request form.
How do I request Premium Support?
Premium Support users can use this form to request assistance. Submitting through this form appropriately flags your ticket as a Premium Support Request in our systems, so we can get to it quickly.
What sites are covered by Premium Support?
Only Site Profiles that are part of a Premium plan are eligible for Premium Support.
How do I subscribe to a plan with Premium Support?
Upgrading is easy! You can upgrade your existing plan by following these instructions, or go here to learn more about available plans and pick which one is right for you.