You may add the following filters in your theme’s functions.php file to customize YARPP further.
Customize the priority order for Automatic Placement (the_content):
add_filter( 'yarpp_content_priority', 1 );
Default: 1200
Customize the priority order for RSS Feed Placement (the_content_feed):
add_filter( 'yarpp_feed_priority', 1 );
Default: 600
Customize the priority order for RSS Feed Excerpt Placement (the_excerpt_rss):
add_filter( 'yarpp_excerpt_rss_priority', 1 );
Default: 600
To disable automatic creation of YARPP thumbnail sizes:
add_filter( 'yarpp_add_image_size', '__return_false' );
Disable YARPP Automatic Display in specific categories:
function yarpp_disable_categories() {
if ( in_category( array( 'my_category_1_slug', 'my_category_2_slug' ) ) ) {
return true;
add_filter( 'noyarpp', 'yarpp_disable_categories' );
Dequeue YARPP's CSS Style Sheet (related.css):
add_filter( 'yarpp_enqueue_related_style', '__return_false' );
Dequeue YARPP's Thumbnails Template Style Sheet (styles_thumbnails.css):
add_filter( 'yarpp_enqueue_thumbnails_style', '__return_false' );
Disable the request-for-feedback modal when deactivating the plugin:
remove_all_filters( 'shareaholic_deactivate_feedback_form_plugins' );
Disable YARPP Review Notice:
function yarpp_disable_review_notice() {
remove_action( 'admin_notices', array('YARPP_Admin', 'display_review_notice' ) );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'yarpp_disable_review_notice', 11 );
To change the arguments of all YARPP shortcodes by default:
add_filter( 'shortcode_atts_yarpp', function( $atts ) {
$atts['post_type'] = 'page';
return $atts;
To ignore certain words:
if ( function_exists( 'yarpp_related' ) ) {
function add_additional_overused_words($overusedwords) {
$additional_words = array('of', 'that', 'on'); // Add your words here
return array_merge($overusedwords, $additional_words);
add_filter('yarpp_keywords_overused_words', 'add_additional_overused_words');
To add CSS classes to YARPP's parent <div>
function yarpp_extra_css( $yarpp_classes ) {
$yarpp_classes[] = 'class_1 class_2';
$yarpp_classes[] = 'class_3';
return $yarpp_classes;
add_filter( 'yarpp_parent_css_classes', 'yarpp_extra_css' );